Rebuild and Thrive Together

Business Partners Relationship

Healthy Business Relationships


In business, relationships between partners can make or break an organisation. Disagreements, miscommunications, and personal conflicts can block progress and productivity. At Restarting Relationships, we specialise in business partner therapy to help you and your partner navigate these challenges and get back to working productively together.

business relationship


Work on yourself first.


Learn how to best support your partner working on themselves.


Determine which areas of your lives affect you both. And learn how to communicate better.

Healthy Business Relationships

In business, relationships between partners can make or break an organisation. Disagreements, miscommunications, and personal conflicts can block progress and productivity. At Restarting Relationships, we specialise in business partner therapy to help you and your partner navigate these challenges and get back to working productively together.

Where can we help you?

Identifying and Resolving Issues

Many business issues come from personal conflicts. Our business partner counselling focuses on identifying the root causes of those conflicts. Whether it’s different visions, communication breakdowns, or unresolved personal issues, our experienced therapists will help you find the source of the tension.

We help you work through these issues in a constructive way. This involves understanding each other’s perspectives, finding common ground, and developing strategies to overcome obstacles.

New Communication Skills

Good communication is key to any partnership. Our business partner therapy sessions are designed to improve your communication skills. We teach you techniques like active listening, clear expression of thoughts, and non-verbal communication.

By improving your communication, you can prevent misunderstandings and make sure both partners feel heard and valued. These skills will help with current issues but also with a healthy and productive partnership in the long term.

New Rules and Boundaries

To restart and grow your business relationship, you need to establish new rules and boundaries. Our therapists work with you to create a framework that supports mutual respect and teamwork. This framework includes setting clear expectations, defining roles and responsibilities, and a conflict resolution plan.

Having these rules in place will prevent future conflicts and ensure both partners are on the same page when it comes to running the business. This structured approach will create a more peaceful and productive workplace.

Trust and Teamwork

Trust is the base of any partnership. Our business partner counselling will help you rebuild and strengthen that trust. Through various exercises and activities, we will help you and your partner get to know each other’s strengths and contributions better.

Teamwork is another essential part of a successful partnership. Our therapy sessions will foster a team spirit and encourage you to work together towards common goals and share responsibilities equally. By building trust and teamwork, you can create a more robust and effective partnership.

Business psychology

Ongoing Support and Guidance

Restarting a business partnership is a process that takes time. At Restarting Relationships, we offer ongoing support to make sure you keep on thriving together. Our follow up sessions and ongoing counselling will provide you with continuous guidance and support.

This long term approach will help you navigate any new challenges that come up and maintain the changes you’ve made. We will help you build a strong and lasting business partnership.

Why Restarting Relationships?

Choosing Restarting Relationships means investing in the future of your business. Our team of experienced therapists will help business partners resolve conflicts, improve communication, and build a strong team. We offer business partner therapy to suit your specific situation so you get the best possible care.

Get Started Today

Don’t let personal conflicts hold you back from business success. Get started today towards a healthier more productive partnership with Restarting Relationships. Our business partner counselling will give you the tools and support to restart and grow your business relationship.

Here’s what some couples have said


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