Concierge services

for help when you need it most

If you are busy and need help, we can provide a variety of concierge couples counseling services similar to those offered by other concierge medicine practices.

Counseling a happy couple


Work on yourself first.


Learn how to best support your partner working on themselves.


Determine which areas of your lives affect you both. And learn how to communicate better.

We provide online and phone couples retreats and concierge couples counseling services.

Our aim is to help you grow in unity and to help each other live great lives. Contact us for more details on a concierge service tailored to your needs.

Where can we help you?

We provide every relationship advice you need.

Sometimes people who are meant to be together break up just because they don’t know how to be in a relationship. That’s where we can help. And it’s a lot cheaper than getting a bad divorce.

Start out your relationship on a good footing by knowing how to communicate and how to support each other.


You relationship may be struggling because of various crises such as infidelity, lovelessness or just sheer boredom. 

split family icon

Even if you are divorced, you still need to learn how to communicate clearly with each other for the sake of the children for which you are both responsible.


Often we say the most hurtful things to the ones to which we are closest. So you may need help repairing the damage this has done so you can start again with a better approach.


Sometimes we say things that our friends find hurtful. It can help to have someone mediate to repair the relationship so you can share the love and support you once did.


Many issues in business come down to personal relationships. We can help you restart your business relationship with new rules and new skills.

Couples Therapist Australia

Our Therapy Team

marriage and family therapists

Our therapists at Restarting Relationships are licensed marriage and family therapists with many years of experience counselling a wide range of clients such as individuals couples and families.

Our relationship experts take a unique approach to therapy. We don’t just listen. We take a more directive approach.

At Restarting Relationships, our therapy team doesn’t let you coast through life. We get you to take responsibility for your life and for your relationship, and to prioritise the things that make a difference in your life.

Affordable marriage retreats near me tailored to your needs

Here’s what some couples have said


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